RST Software
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Magdalena Jackiewicz
Reviewed by a tech expert

What is business process orchestration, and when to use it?

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Is operational inefficiency stalling your organization's growth? Poorly coordinated processes lead to grappling with manual tasks, missed deadlines, and disengaged employees. This is where business process orchestration (BPO) enters the scene as a transformative solution. 

Beyond mere buzzwords, BPO empowers you to streamline operations, automate redundant tasks, and achieve a significant efficiency boost. Imagine accelerating deal closure, minimizing errors, and unlocking significant cost savings – BPO makes it a reality.

In this article, we'll unveil the power of BPO, delve into its diverse applications across industries, and help you determine if it's the missing piece in your organization's optimization puzzle.

What is business process orchestration?

When thinking of organizational efficiency, business process orchestration emerges as a guiding force, providing direction to the flow of operations. Let's try to better understand its essence by comparing it with two closely related concepts: process automation and workflow orchestration.

Process orchestration vs. process automation

The two terms often intermingle in the sphere of operational enhancement, and while both aim to boost efficiency, they serve distinct roles in the grand scheme of business operations.

Process automation focuses on optimizing individual tasks within a process, aiming to eliminate manual intervention wherever possible. It's almost like having a diligent assistant tirelessly handling routine assignments, ensuring precision and speed. However, process automation might fall short when it comes to coordinating multiple tasks across various departments which is a gap that process orchestration adeptly fills.

Process orchestration vs. workflow orchestration

Delving deeper into the nuances, let's explore the difference between process orchestration and workflow orchestration. The latter concentrates on the coordination of sequential steps within a specific process. It ensures that each stage smoothly transitions to the next, minimizing delays and optimizing efficiency. However, the scope of workflow orchestration is often confined to a single process, lacking the holistic arrangement of diverse processes that business process orchestration achieves.

Reasons for implementing process orchestration

Unsure why you should care about process orchestration? Have a look at the driving forces compelling organizations to embrace this sophisticated approach to management in a continuous pursuit of excellence.

Process complexity

Complexity within a process often translates to inefficiency and delays. Orchestration addresses this challenge by providing a comprehensive view and control over elaborate workflows. It provides guidance, streamlining complex processes and ensuring each step closely aligns with the overall business objective you're aiming for. By implementing BPO, organizations achieve enhanced efficiency and agility, rendering process orchestration an essential tool in the quest for operational perfection.

Endpoint diversity

In the modern business environment there's no shortage of diverse endpoints. From mobile devices to IoT gadgets, maintaining cohesion across these platforms can be a daunting task. Process orchestration steps in as a unifier, ensuring seamless communication and interaction between varied endpoints. By bringing all this diversity together, organizations can enhance operational efficiency and pave the way for a more agile and responsive business ecosystem.

Process bottlenecks

The prospect of bottlenecks can impede even the most well-designed systems, causing delays and hindering overall efficiency. Process orchestration can serve as a remedy, identifying and mitigating various bottlenecks to help organizations achieve a smoother flow of operations. Through automated adjustments and real-time insights, process orchestration ensures that every stage of a particular system operates at optimal capacity. This results in a business environment free from hindrances, where productivity thrives.

Inefficient existing process automation

While process automation promises efficiency, if outdated or poorly configured, it can lead to its own set of challenges. Process orchestration is a strategy capable of refining and optimizing the existing automated schemes. By integrating and coordinating these automation efforts, organizations ensure that every task being performed contributes to the overarching business objectives. In essence, what process orchestration does is it brings disparate automated operations together with the goal of improving efficiency.

Manual or inefficient processes

Relying on manual or otherwise inefficient processes is a major obstacle in the modern-day digitized business environment. Process orchestration serves as the spark for change, systematically identifying and transforming manual mechanisms into streamlined, automated workflows. This transition reduces the risk of errors, as well as frees up valuable human resources to focus on tasks that require creativity and critical thinking. Embracing process orchestration is a big step toward a more agile and efficient operational landscape.

Repetitive tasks

Repetitive tasks are not just tedious but also prone to errors when executed manually. Process orchestration plays a big role in automating and optimizing these routine, dull tasks. By delegating such responsibilities to automated workflows, organizations can achieve consistent results, reduce the margin of error, and allow human resources to concentrate on more value-added activities. In essence, process orchestration allows organizations to shift focus from the monotony of repetitive tasks, creating a work environment that prioritizes innovation and productivity.

Benefits of process orchestration

Among the multiple ways in which businesses can work toward optimizing their operations, process orchestration vows to deliver a strategic edge along with a myriad of benefits contributing to the overall performance and resilience of modern businesses.

Ease of scalability

One of the primary advantages of process orchestration is its innate ability to facilitate scalability. As businesses evolve, expand, or encounter fluctuating demands, process orchestration adapts along with them. Whether scaling up operations or streamlining processes for greater efficiency, the dynamic nature of BPO ensures that organizations can grow without the constraints typically associated with traditional operational frameworks. This scalability future-proofs organizations while providing a foundation for sustained success in an ever-changing business landscape.

Low-code / no-code approach

Process orchestration introduces a democratizing force to the world of business operations through its low-code/no-code approach. This innovative methodology allows individuals across various departments, regardless of their coding proficiency, to actively participate in the optimization of workflows. By eliminating the need for extensive coding knowledge, organizations can accelerate the development and deployment of automated processes. This enhances operational efficiency and cultivates a collaborative environment where stakeholders from diverse backgrounds can contribute to the continuous improvement of business processes.

Availability of pre-built connectors

Process orchestration opens doors to a vast selection of pre-built connectors, streamlining integration across different systems and applications. This benefit significantly reduces the complexity and time traditionally associated with connecting various components of the business infrastructure. By taking advantage of these pre-built connectors, organizations can achieve faster implementation of automated workflows, ensuring an uninterrupted exchange of data and information between components of their operational system. The result is a more interconnected and efficient business environment, where processes flow in between integrated platforms.

Single platform for integration and automation

When chasing operational efficiency, the consolidation of integration and automation into a single platform is the Holy Grail. Process orchestration serves as this unified hub, eliminating the need for distinct tools and platforms. By providing a centralized space for both integration and automation, organizations gain a complete view of their operational landscape. This simplifies management, as well as enhances visibility and control over processes. The single-platform approach ensures a cohesive and well-coordinated orchestration of workflows, creating a more agile and responsive organizational structure.

Reduction of human errors

Process orchestration acts as a safeguard against the inherent risks of human errors in manual processes. By automating repetitive tasks, the likelihood of errors decreases significantly. The mechanism can be applied to data entry, calculations, or other critical operations. The precision of orchestration ensures consistent and accurate execution. This reduction in human errors enhances the overall quality of processes and minimizes the potential for costly mistakes that could impact both efficiency and reputation.

Cost reduction

Another notable advantage of process orchestration lies in its capacity to drive cost reduction across various facets of business operations. Through automation and streamlined workflows, organizations experience efficiency gains, resulting in optimized resource utilization. The reduction in manual efforts and the associated time savings translate directly into lowered operational costs. Additionally, by minimizing errors and enhancing overall productivity, process orchestration contributes to long-term savings, making it a worthy investment for businesses aiming to achieve financial sustainability and competitiveness in their respective industries.

Higher employee satisfaction

Process orchestration directly impacts employee satisfaction by alleviating individuals from mundane tasks. By automating routine processes, employees can redirect their focus toward more meaningful and strategic contributions. This shift enhances job satisfaction and creates a more engaging work environment. Supported by process orchestration, employees can better channel their skills and creativity into tasks that truly matter, achieving a sense of fulfillment and pride in their roles, which may be a little underrated but crucial factor.

Enhanced customer satisfaction

Optimizing and automating internal workflows via process orchestration allows organizations to create superior customer experiences and respond more swiftly to clients’ needs and queries. This results in quicker service delivery, reduced reply times, and overall improved customer satisfaction. The streamlined processes made possible by orchestration contribute to an amazing customer journey, strengthening loyalty and solidifying the organization's reputation for efficiency and customer-centricity. Ultimately, the positive impact on customer satisfaction becomes a driving force behind sustained business success.

Best process orchestration tools

Here's a list of five highly effective platforms that will help you orchestrate your business processes:


Camunda is a universal process orchestrator, offering unparalleled capabilities to design, automate, and optimize business processes across the organizational spectrum. Company members across departments can collaborate seamlessly, creating end-to-end process models that undergo swift deployment for automation.

This tool excels in orchestrating diverse elements – from legacy systems to RPA bots and microservices. With intuitive integrations and a web-based process modeler, Camunda promotes agile collaboration between business and IT, drastically reducing the time needed for process changes. Its next-generation workflow engine, Zeebe, ensures enterprise-grade reliability, speed, and scalability, making it the go-to solution for modern, distributed microservices architectures.


Kissflow is a workflow software used to automate and organize complex processes across a variety of industries. Designed for both seasoned IT professionals and those with no coding experience, the platform empowers teams to easily build efficient workflows.

Developed with various roles in mind, from process owners to IT directors, it boasts a no-code, easy-to-use interface, enabling the creation and management of customizable workflows. Its intuitive features include visually designed processes, dynamic routing, and SLAs for task assignments, along with powerful analytics to identify bottlenecks and enhance overall process efficiency. Kissflow delivers a single platform where all your workflows can converge, reducing chaos and optimizing organizational operations.


ProcessMaker, a leading low-code Business Process Automation software, promises hyper-productivity with its tool which empowers organizations to automate repetitive tasks, vital workflows, and optimize resource allocation. By integrating with core systems, ProcessMaker sets up tech stacks to break down data and application silos.

Its critical capabilities include an AI-powered decision engine, seamless integration, intelligent document processing, and generative AI, allowing for swift creation of processes, screens, and scripts without prior experience. The ProcessMaker BPA platform offers a set of enterprise-grade features, from mobile-friendly screen design to advanced business analytics, leading to improved productivity through end-to-end process automation.


Workato is a platform where maximum power, simplicity, and connectivity converge to redefine automation. Its proprietary recipes serve as dynamic sets of instructions, enabling the automation of detailed workflows. Triggers, with customizable conditions, action prompts, batch movements, or on-prem file readings.

The Workato Platform, a global powerhouse, unifies integration and automation, connecting every facet of a business. With one platform for every workflow, the tool offers high flexibility, versatility, and scalability. The Common Workato Runtime ensures instant and near-unlimited scale, while AI@Work leverages AI to amplify productivity, while the security measures designed for modern businesses ensure maximum protection for your valuable data.


The Nintex Process Platform is an all-encompassing, interconnected, and user-friendly solution for process automation and intelligence, assisting its users in discovering, automating, and optimizing their business processes.

With a focus on transforming unmanaged and manual processes, this platform employs AI and process intelligence. Citizen developers and app developers can collaboratively build efficient, compliant, and customer-centric processes, creating scalable and competitive businesses. Nintex helps you to discover, plan, and map your processes with intuitive visual tools, automate workflows, and optimize through data-driven insights. The tool positions itself as the complete, connected, and convenient choice for those seeking to revolutionize their approach to business processes.

Start your process orchestration journey with RST Software

We’re a Certified Gold Partner of Camunda process orchestration tool. If you opt for this platform, we can apply our expertise to design, automate, and optimize your workflows. We also offer comprehensive training and implementation services, putting our experience supporting banks and government institutions at your disposal.

We can offer:

  • expertise in Camunda Platform,
  • proven track record in the financial and governmental sectors,
  • workflow automation for streamlined task assignments,
  • microservices orchestration and business processes monitoring,
  • Efficient management of RPA bots for cost reduction,
  • Universal Process Orchestrator for the future of digital enterprises.

Camunda implementation typically involves two steps:

  • Scoping session, during which you gain a detailed overview of your processes, a scope of work, and a customized Camunda licensing plan.
  • PoC implementation: we’ll recommend the best PoCs and detailed implementation plans, focusing on high ROI for your business.

We've driven impactful transformations, such as revitalizing RWS's Camunda-powered translation platform and automating document processing for Alphabet Polska. If you’d like to see how we can help you transform your business too, contact us today and we’ll take it from there.

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