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Ross Krawczyk
React Native vs NativeScript: which technology to pick for mobile development in 2021
Two JavaScript-based technologies for cross-platform development, but which to choose? Let's compare React Native and NativeScript.
25+ in-depth examples of React Native apps in 2021 [Updated: May 25th, 2021]
I’ve compiled a long list of well-known companies that decided to use React Native in their apps and stuck with it. Read on.
5 benefits of React Native or why you should go cross-platform, not native
Would you like to build a set of iOS and Android apps that share as much as 99% of their code? Doable with React Native.
CEO Corner
Fake Door MVP: what it is and should you use it
Fake Door testing for your MVP could be a simple yet efficient way of testing your idea in order to decide whether it is worth investing more time and money into it.