OpenStreetMap integration and consulting services

Build custom maps for any purpose with OpenStreetMap data
You can integrate them quickly and easily with desktop, web and mobile applications.

Our OpenStreetMap services

OpenStreetMap consulting
OpenStreetMap integration
OpenStreetMap development
with OpenStreetMap with our experienced GIS
OpenStreetMap team extension
Trusted by Europe’s 2nd largest logistics platform:
Build cost-effective solutions with OpenStreetMap
OSM is used by startups and enterprise-grade companies

Why RST?

People also ask
What is OpenStreetMap?
OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a free and open-source platform that provides users with editable maps of the entire world. It's a collaborative project that is constantly being improved by a global community of volunteers. Unlike proprietary map data owned by companies like Google or Mapobx, OSM allows anyone to contribute to and use the map data.
OpenStreetMap provides detailed information about roads, footpaths, cafes, cycleways, buildings, landmarks, and natural features like rivers, forests, parks and much more. It's highly customizable and allows for adding extra data layers to display information about logistics, public transportation, events and others.
What can OpenStreetMap data be used for?
OpenStreetMap can be used to develop all different kinds of solutions that require GIS data. Multiple businesses and organizations already benefit from this open-source database.
These include:
- logistics
- urban planning
- tourism
- geomarketing
- disaster relief efforts
- and much more
Because the data is open and freely available, it can be used in a wide range of applications, without the licensing restrictions that are often associated with proprietary map data.
How much does OpenStreetMap integration cost?
OpenStreetMap data itself is available free of charge, so including it in your projects will not incur any cost unless you require additional services or support, such as hosting, consulting, and customization. The cost of these services will vary depending on the specific requirements of the project and the level of support needed.