Last week, we had the opportunity to join a unique IT event in Wrocław. This time we were invited to cooperate with meet.js IT community. It organizes events where people share their experiences and ideas for new projects and solutions. The main technological areas for meetings are Java Script and TypeScript.
meet.js offers a relaxed atmosphere in a unique place: a cellar in the famous Wrocław Club café, Mleczarnia. The event is completely offline, as the organizers focus on the interaction between participants and live conversations. No report or recording can reflect the vibe that prevails on the spot!
We could not miss it here because we share a common need to exchange knowledge about technologies, get inspired, and network. With 18 editions of RST CodeMeetings, we know how important it is to co-create a technological community and continuously improve the proposed solutions. Kacper Szewczyk, JS developer at RST, represented us during the meet.js meeting. What does he say about himself?
‘Once a Project Manager, now a JS developer. As a beginner Backend Developer, I wanted to create huge systems at once, but I lacked experience and skills. That's why I decided to move to project management, where I could work on many goals and gain experience faster. After almost 5 years of working as a PM, I learned how to maintain customer relationships and solve problems at the macro level. I went back to programming because I love to refine functionality in terms of UX and performance.’

Managing Application Status with Events
Kacper began his speech with a general discussion on optimizing front-end applications. He drew the audience's attention to the fact that we often focus either on simplifying business logic or on the issue of rendering the application itself. We forget that there is a solution that combines both layers — store.
He then introduced the operation of communication with the store in a popular library used in React.js, i.e., Redux, showing an example of a very simple e-commerce implementation. We have seen what happens when we want to read or modify the value from the store and what the consequences are. The speech concluded with a benchmark that used our unique open source tool, Eventrix, to demonstrate the difference in application performance when contrasting Redux's strategy with an event-driven architecture.
Sounds interesting, doesn't it? Here is a link to Kacper's presentation and a recording of the speech. Kacper has already participated in one of the CodeMeetings editions and plans to speak again on June 28th. Be with us on the spot in the RST head office in Wrocław or join us online for live coverage! There is no better opportunity to network and make new contacts.