
Social and Corporate Governance

Discover what we do within ESG, and why it is important to us.

Support for the environment, education, and health has been a part of our mission from the start

We actively observe the environment and act where our help is needed.We help together because together we can do more!

We start with the immediate surroundings

At work, we surround ourselves with greenery, segregate garbage, and collect plastic. We pay attention to the consumption of energy, paper, heating, and water. We care about not wasting food and plan breakfast in our Meethub. We want to share resources effectively, which is why we are increasingly using cloud solutions.
Thanks to the photovoltaic farm in the Świdnica branch, we produce about 25 MWh per year, saving 26 tons of CO2.

We get involved where our support is needed

We support friendly foundations, children's homes, social care centers, animal shelters, and health organizations.
So far, we've helped: orphanages in Jelenia Góra; the Care and Educational Center in Dobroszyce; the Equal Opportunities Café in Świdnica,  the wards of MONAR centers; the Heart Foundation; and children from the “Przylądek Nadziei” in Wrocław.
M. Maskiewicz
Event & Communication Manager

Helping is written in our code

RST Team actively help those in need every year. These are the moments when we fully focus on the other person. Smiles, joy, disbelief, and tears just confirm that what we do, we do well!

Initiatives that have permanently entered the RST event calendar

What is new at RST?

Photovoltaic farm in RST

Ecology? It pays off! Financial effects of the project

We built the power plant on the land next to our building in Świdnica – 130 photovoltaic panels, and its power is 49.4 kWp. The installation should cover 60% of the building's electricity expenses. We need the current to power computers, air conditioning or server rooms. This 60% is a big saving. According to first estimates, the investment should pay off in the next 6 years.

The power of 49.4 kWp will allow us to generate enough energy to avoid the emission of 25,000 kg of harmful CO2 every year. To absorb this amount of CO2 in a year, it would take as many as 3,500 trees.

Watch video.

RST Forest for our 25th anniversary

This is an unprecedented action, and thanks to the involvement of our RST team, we will plant 735 trees this year!

Our money went into the woods, and we are so proud of it. This is how we want to celebrate our 25th birthday—this is the best gift we could give ourselves and, in fact, all of us. More information.


  • Forest area: 815.85 m2
  • CO2 absorption/year: 4410 kg
  • Oxygen for people per year: 492.45
  • Amount of paper returned: 42630 kg

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Małgorzata Maskiewicz
Event & Communication Manager

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