This is the moment when we want to summarize 25 years of what we have managed to create together. The RST Team consists of more than 180 IT specialists who also care about the environment and actively engage in initiatives oriented at supporting it.
Social responsibility has always been close to our hearts. Over the years, we have implemented dozens of initiatives aimed at doing good for our environment and those around us. In this article, we’re presenting our software house from a completely different perspective.

RST Alphabet: our story hidden in letters
On the occasion of our 25th anniversary, we invited you to get to know us through the RST Alphabet that uncovers the most interesting facts about our organization (you can find it on our social media: LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram). The letter E stands for ESG and offers hints about our life after hours.
Currently, we are talking about ESG; a few years ago, we implemented similar activities as part of CSR, and before these concepts became known and widely used, we acted intuitively, realizing our dreams and plans.
Initiatives we launched to do good
The fact that helping is written in our code can be confirmed by a dozen actions and events that have been permanently recorded in our history. We implemented them proactively, not necessarily as part of ESG or CSR, but they became part of them once these concepts became mainstream.
13 events "Let's Do Something Good for Christmas"
We organized 7 collections for "Szlachetna Paczka": support for families in need, nursing homes, hospices, foundations, and school-education centers.

4 events "Let's Do Something Good" - autumn edition
We built kennels for dogs, hives for bees, rebuilt the paddock of the burned stud farm, and renovated two orphanages.

There are also numerous other events, such as the Charity Rally "Złombol", participation in the Company Run, or support for schools with our computer and office equipment. We are actively involved where we can help.

How do we approach ESG in our everyday work life?
Today, our joint activities are focused on four areas, and this is where we put the most strength and commitment.
We start with the immediate surroundings.
We surround ourselves with greenery, segregate garbage, and collect plastic. We do not waste energy, paper, heating, water, or food. We want to share resources effectively, which is why we are increasingly using cloud solutions. Thanks to our own photovoltaic farm, we produce about 25 MWh per year; this is a saving of 26 tons of CO2.

We get involved where our support is needed.
We help foundations, orphanages, social care centers, animal shelters, and health organizations. We organize and participate in actions that encourage the RST Team to be physically active and take care of their health.

We co-create The RST Group and invest in RST Ventures For Earth.
We are founders of The RST Group, which creates, invests in, and develops independent technology companies. We invest in startups that provide professional advice for women (Her Impact), detect hate and cyber violence thanks to AI (Samurai Labs), provide psychological help to oncology patients (Prosoma), or deal with the digitization of industrial waste (ZEME). Through our actions, we want to influence the world and society.
Today, the RST Group consists of 21 companies; together, we ended the year 2022 with a 55% increase in revenues at the level of PLN 211 million net and employment for 645 people!

We act responsibly and transparently according to our values.
We undergo regular audits and check the pulse of the organization. We survey job satisfaction and invite our people to meetings where we can discuss the most difficult cases from the past and the coming quarter.

RST FOREST – our way to celebrate the 25th anniversary
Speaking about social responsibility and attention to the world, we want to be honest and true, which is why we have decided to take an unprecedented initiative, and together with the RST Team, we have purchased 735 tree seedlings that will feed 3 forests in Poland! Simply put, our money has gone into the forest, and we are so proud of it. This is how we want to celebrate our 25th birthday. This is the best gift we could give ourselves - and, in fact, all of us.

The facts speak for themselves. Together with the RST Team and company, we will plant:
RST forest with an area of 815.85 m2, whose CO2 absorption per year is 4410 kg and whose oxygen production per person per year is 492.45, which gives the amount of returned paper a value of 42630 kg. Here you will find the details of tree planting.
Wondering what now? We are not slowing down, and we are already planning further initiatives full of our good energy! Follow our actions!